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All Proceeds go to Help Ohio Wilderness Boys Camp!

We send our profits to support families with boys at Ohio Wilderness Boys Camp. The scholarship is a must for single-parent families and families who are already struggling financially to be able to help their boy. Camp helps boys ages 9 to 15 who may need more intensive care than what a home or school environment can offer. As a long-term residential facility, they can go beyond some intermittent and short-term therapies. Each Camp group works together in order to create an environment full of encouragement and hope. Most of these families with children enrolled in the program cannot afford the full tuition, but are not turned away for an inability to pay. Our thrift store locations, along with the help of private donations and the Mennonite and Amish communities, raise the rest of the funds in order to provide for those in need.
Help Support Ohio Wilderness Boys Camp
Interested in getting involved? There’s several ways you can contribute! Sign up to volunteer at one of our Trading Post locations, or simply donate an item! Either way helps us benefit financially struggling families who want to see their boy grow.